Welcome to the National Task Force on Deinstitutionalization website!
The National Task Force on Deinstitutionalization is a partnership between

"An institution is not just a place, it is the way people think."
- Pat Worth (1955-2004)
The National Task Force on Deinstitutionalization was formed in 2002 by People First of Canada (PFC) and the Inclusion Canada (IC) (formerly the Canadian Association for Community Living). The Task Force held its first meeting in Halifax. By establishing this Task Force, People First of Canada and Inclusion Canada, and their provincial and territorial associations, commit to highlighting the continued and unacceptable confinement of people with intellectual disabilities in institutions throughout Canada.
The Task Force is co-chaired by an Executive Member of People First of Canada and Inclusion Canada.
The Task Force believes that the institutionalization of persons with intellectual disabilities is a denial of their basic right of citizenship and participation in community. We believe institutionalization is against the rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
The institutionalization of people with intellectual disabilities in Canada remains a major barrier to full inclusion and citizenship. As long as these facilities exist, people with intellectual disabilities will be at risk of being institutionalized.
The Task Force has two goals. The first is to close institutions that house people with intellectual disabilities. The second is to make sure people with intellectual disabilities and their families have the supports they need to live fully inclusive lives in the community.
Our work is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD). It is also based on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP).
People First of Canada (PFC) is the national organization representing people with intellectual disabilities. PFC is the national voice for people who have been labeled with an intellectual disability. We are about rights – human rights, citizenship rights, accommodations rights and language rights. We believe in the right to freedom, choice and equality for all.
Inclusion Canada
Inclusion Canada is the national federation working to advance the full inclusion and human rights of people with an intellectual disability and their families. Inclusion Canada leads the way in building an inclusive Canada by strengthening families, defending rights, and transforming communities into places where everyone belongs.
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